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This website uses several methods to present information about the family history.
Indexes are available to quickly locate individuals, families, places etc.
The information is provided in narrative form but also as timelines, ancestor charts, diagrams (or family trees) and geographically via a map.
There are a number of interactive features to assist you in navigating your way around these pages.
Click on the subheadings marked with '

' below to open each section, or the large

icon above right to open up all sections below.
Navigation Icons
The Navigation icons are all in the top left hand corner. Hover the mouse over an icon for information on its function.

If you find yourself a little lost the Home icon will take you back to the beginning.

One way to explore is to use the Name Index which lists everyone, grouped by surname. Clicking on a person's name will bring up a page with their details.

Similarly there is a Family Index.

Perhaps the easiest way to get started is with the Family Tree diagrams. The Tree icon will take you to them.
Family Tree Diagrams
The family tree diagrams are displayed as 'genograms' as illustrated by the example below.
Men are represented with a square, and women usually with a circle
A cross through the symbol indicates the individual is deceased
If the year of birth and death are known the age at death will be shown in the symbol.
In a heterosexual relationship the man is placed to the left, and the woman to the right, subsequent partners of a man are drawn to the right of the previous partner
and subsequent partners for a woman are drawn to the left of the previous partner. In this way, a spouse is always be closer to his/her first partner, then the second partner (if any),
third partner, and so on.In the case of ambiguity, assume a male-female relationship, rather than male-male or female-female relationship
The eldest child is placed on the far left of the parents relationship line, with younger siblings being drawn sequentially to the right
For further examples and information see also 'Introduction to the Genogram'
Navigating the Tree
The family tree may have been split into several diagrams, or 'sub-trees', to make it easier to view. The diagrams may be available in two different formats.
The PDF format is best for printing or in a browser without an SVG viewer option. The SVG format is interactive. Where both formats are available a button icon is provided for switching between the formats.
When using the interactive SVG format, you can click on a person's gender symbol and it will bring up a page with their details. Clicking on a relationship line will bring up a page with that family's details.
People whose names are highlighted in blue are the links between the different diagrams - you can click on their name to navigate to the next diagram..
An Individual's Page
Each individual in the report has their own page. On a person's page you will find the known details of their parents, grandparents and siblings, with hyperlnks to each, as well as pictures and any relationships.
It may also list the occupations of the individual, e.g. as recorded on census returns and other documents, as well as places of residence and educational records, timelines and ancestor charts.